• Yoga Practice Video - Yoga Vidya

    Kakasana – several advanced varations of the Crow

    Try the side Crow, a challenging Yoga Asana. Monika shows several variations of Kakasana, the Crow from different perspectives. The Crow helps to develop balance, concentration and strength. Commented by Kaivalya, demonstrated by Monika.

    More about Yoga Vidya. Join our great Yoga Community! Information about the next Congress. Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops. Visit Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg in Germany and stay in a peaceful environment.

    Yoga demonstration by the Portuguese Yoga Confederation at the European Yoga Congress 2016 in Durbuy

    From 27th-29th May 2016 was the 2nd European Yoga Congress in Radhadesh, near Durbuy / Belgium. A Yoga Vidya Delegation together with Sukadev (the founder of Yoga Vidya) participated at this meeting of great European yoga organizations.
    A highlight was an appearance with Kirtan and asanas of Confederação Portuguesa do Yoga / Yoga Portuguese Confederation. Yogis from Portugal, led by H. H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súránanda Maha Raja showing here deep devotion and joy in their practice.

    More about Yoga Vidya. Join our great Yoga Community!. Information about the next Congress and about Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops.
    Vom 27.-29. Mai 2016 fand der 2. European Yoga Congress in Radhadesh, Nähe Durbuy/Belgien, statt. Bei diesem Treffen der großen europäischen Yoga Organisationen haben wir mit einer Delegation den verschiedenen Yoga Vidya Ashrams gemeinsam mit Sukadev an dem Kongress teilgenommen. Ein Highlight war ein Auftritt mit Kirtan und Asanas der Confederação Portuguesa do Yoga / Portuguese Yoga Confederation. Yogis aus Portugal, angeleitet von H. H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súránanda Mahá Rája, zeigen hier tiefe Hingabe und Freude in ihrer Praxis.

    Yoga Vidya Events und Kongresse! Sei beim nächsten Mal mti dabei! Praktiziere intensiv Asanas bei Yoga Vidya.

    Jógaóra Középhaladóknak 2 – Intermediate-level yogaclass in Hungarian

    Jógaóra Középhaladóknak 2. – Az Ászanák mint imádság

    Ezen a jógaórán összekötheted a Hatha Jógát a Bhakti Jógával. A Hatha Jóga jót tesz a testi-lelki egészségnek és felébreszti a benned szunnyadó rejtett energiákat, ugyanakkor minden ászana (jógatartás) felfogható az egész testtel végzett imádságként, az Egész előtti tiszteletadásként is. További videókat ès információkat a jógáról, a meditációról és az ájurvédáról a http://joganekem.ning.com weboldalon találsz.

    Intermediate level yoga class in Hungarian – Asanas as a prayer

    In this yoga class you can connect Hatha Yoga with Bhakti Yoga. Hatha Yoga is good for your physical and mental health and to awaken dormant, hidden energies in you, but every asana can be interpreted as a prayer (“body prayer”), as an obeisance to the highest.

    More about Yoga, Ayurveda and seminars at Yoga Vidya. Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops at http://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/seminar.html.
    More information referring mantras, yoga and meditation at http://www.yoga-vidya.org.
    English Videos as well on http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video.

    Yogastunde Mittelstufe 2. auf Ungarisch – Asanas als Ganzkörpergebet mit Arjuna und Shakti
    In dieser Yogastunde kannst du Hatha Yoga und Bhakti Yoga miteinander verbinden. Hatha Yoga fördert die Gesundheit von Körper und Geist und erweckt die in dir im verborgenen schlummernden Energien. Gleichzeitig kann jede Asana (Yogastellung) auch als Ganzkörpergebet, als Ehrerbietung an das Ganze ausgeführt werden.

    Erfahre mehr über Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation und das Seminarangebot bei Yoga Vidya.

    Yoga – Curso Principiantes – Yoga en Español

    Te presentamos esta breve introducción al Yoga, dedicada especialmente para principiantes. En él podrás formarte una pequeña idea de en qué consiste la práctica del Yoga y cómo te puede beneficiar. Una vez que te familiarizes con esta breve clase, estarás preparado para iniciarte con clases en las que podrás obtener una buena base.
    Al finalizar podrás comprender y realizar una práctica sencilla y adecuada a las necesidades que tu cuerpo busca y necesita. En esta clase de introducción al Yoga te aconsejamos hacer solo lo que puedas. Sigue la enseñanza a tu propio ritmo, no fuerces ninguna postura. Si notas que en algún momento el ritmo de la clase te supera, no dudes en descansar y unirte al ejercicio cuando lo consideres apropiado… Para practicar yoga no se necesita ser flexible, pero si ser constante en la práctica.
    Este es el mejor regalo que uno puede hacerse a si mismo para sentirse bien. Con Gauri Eckhard, http://www.yogacentersc.es.

    We present this brief introduction to Yoga, dedicated especially for beginners. You can get a idea of what the practice of Yoga and how you can benefit. Once familiarizes you with this short class, you’re ready to get started with classes where you can get a good foundation. At the end you will understand and perform simple and adequate to the needs of your body practice that seeks and needs. In this kind of introduction to Yoga advise you only do what you can. To practice yoga need not be flexible, but be constant in practice. Watch this video in higher quality: https://youtu.be/54W_gyjrysU.
    English Videos as well on http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video.
    Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops at http://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/seminar.html.

    Yoga Vidya – Europe’s leading Yoga Retreat Centre

    Yoga Vidya is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to spread the knowledge (vidya) of holistic Yoga.

    Founded by Sukadev Bretz in 1992, Yoga Vidya now runs 4 ashrams, 100 Yoga centres in various cities and has trained more than 17.000 top-quality yoga teachers. This makes us Europe’s leading and largest yoga educational organization. We teach in the tradition of Swami Sivananda, welcoming people of all spiritual paths and traditions of yoga.

    More informations on: English seminars at Yoga Vidya
